This wall used to be the outside wall of the house and a beehive oven was where the fireplace is now. I really wish the oven were still there. How cool to have a beehive oven to make pizza. Unfortunately, one of the owners put an addition on that side of the house and the oven was destroyed and an ugly fireplace was put in it's place. There was a lot of evidence in the attic of chimney fires. We are going to rebuild it and slide a wood burning stove inside. We chose a Jotul stove - not our first choice and not our second choice, either. We thought it would be fun to put a modern european stove in but the fireboxes were all too small. The largest log one could fit in was only 14". Gary said forget it.
We are also redoing the brick work around the little stove boxes on the other side of the wall in the fireplace in the dining room.
Our friend, George is sandblasting and painting the cast iron doors for us.
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